2007 to date

November 2012
Saturday 24 November 2012 saw Kuwait Mantas Diving Club (KMDC) organize a mass Rescue Training event. This was for Sports Diver trainees, Dive Leader trainees, and an Advanced Diver trainee, all to polish their respective personal rescue skills, emergency oxygen administration skills, and rescue management skills in acting out a couple of incident scenarios as realistically as possible.
The day was closed with a barbecue attended by trainers and trainees, members who had acted as casualities, members who had just come for the barbecue, families, and friends.
The venue was Abdulla Shehab's villa by the sea.
At the AGM in 2013, Abdulla was made an Extraordinary Member of KMDC in recognition of the way over the years he has let the club use various properties of his for club events, i.e. socials, awards ceremonies, fundraising, housing the container containing the club compressor, as well as this particular event. Abdulla's hospitality continues to this day.
Brian Gilding (Diving Officer 2013 - 2018) writes:
Anybody who has filled in a Kuwait Mantas Diving Club diving log will have seen that in the small print at the bottom of the sheet it says "This log must be returned to the Diving Officer within 7 days of the dive". Occasionally it takes a little longer.
Let us ignore the club expedition to Khasab in Musandam, Oman, from 5 to 10 October 2014, organized by a member as a component of his training to qualify as an Advanced Diver. The logs of the diving carried out on this expedition have yet to materialize.
The record otherwise is a staggering 970 days.
This concerns a day's diving on 7 December 2012 at Donkey Reef. Dive Manager for the day was Oliver Gardner, Club Chairman from 2012 to 2015, and also Training Officer at that time. Diving Officer was then Brian Darvell. The log found its way to me on 4 August 2015. It was discovered by the culprit upon clearing out prior to departure from Kuwait. As one does.